- Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, William P. Allan, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Defeating opposition experts: winning with science", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 10-May-2024.
- Kari R. Danser, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Megan M. Foley, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Getting more from less: low-level DNA mixtures on cartridges", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 10-May-2024.
- William P. Allan, MS, Jennifer M. Bracamontes, MS, Matthew M. Legler, BS, Jonathan Perlin, MS, and Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD, "Different TrueAllele® users, same DNA answer: a multi-center proficiency study", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-May-2024.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® computational forensics for solving 'uninterpretable' DNA mixtures", National Forensic Science University, Dharwad, Karnataka, India, 29-Nov-2023.
- W. Allan, M. W. Perlin, "Identifying victim remains using kinship genotype inference", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 16-Feb-2023.
- M. Legler, W. Allan, M. W. Perlin, "An automated genotype database for associating counterfeit drug evidence", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 16-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "The science and law of automated DNA evidence interpretation", National Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 9-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® forensic solution: making DNA count", All India Forensic Science Conference, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, 3-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "Innovation and transparency for reliable forensic software", The New Abnormal: Data Protection in a More Virtual World, Santa Clara High Tech Law Journal, Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA, 25-Mar-2022.
- K. Kulick, M. W. Perlin, "Making something out of nothing: the inconclusive fallacy", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- W. Allan, H. Chaudhry, J. Donahue, M. W. Perlin, M. Wilson, "Peeling away uncertainty: a probabilistic approach to DNA mixture deconvolution", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- M. M. Legler, K. W. P. Miller, M. W. Perlin, G. Sugimoto, "Automated familial search using a probabilistic genotype database", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 74th Annual Scientific Conference, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2022.
- M. W. Perlin, "How TrueAllele® computing automates DNA analysis and databasing for mass disasters", Wecht Institute of Forensic Science & Law, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-Sep-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "Eliminating bias in forensic algorithms and statistics", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Meeting, 16-Feb-2021.
- M. W. Perlin, "Human factors in automated forensic DNA examination", Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation: Probabilistic Genotype Software, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute of Justice, 26-Jan-2021.
- J. Hornyak, "Exonerating the innocent with probabilistic genotyping", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- B. Pujols, "Using probabilistic genotyping to distinguish family members", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- D. Bauer, "Developing investigative leads from a probabilistic genotyping database", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 10-May-2019.
- W. Allan, "Testifying about probabilistic genotyping results", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Morgantown, WV, 9-May-2019.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic validation, error, and reporting: A unified approach", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- G. Hampikian and M. W. Perlin, "The first five exonerations using TrueAllele® statistical software: How labs can review and correct old cases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- J. Donahue and M. W. Perlin, "Genotype information criteria for forensic DNA databases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- J. Oblock and N. Butt, "The use of a database feature in the TrueAllele® Casework system to cross-reference DNA cases", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 23-Feb-2019.
- L. Gumbs, E. Kanal, M. W. Perlin, G. Shannon, "CERT data science in cybersecurity symposium", Panel, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Arlington, VA, 29-Aug-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving sexual assault cases using DNA mixture evidence", National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI), National Institute of Justice, Pittsburgh, PA, 14-Mar-2018.
- N. Butt, D. Bauer and M. W. Perlin, "Validating TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixtures containing up to ten unknown contributors", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 23-Feb-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Distorting DNA evidence: methods of math distraction", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 22-Feb-2018.
- J. Donahue and M. W. Perlin, "Using computers to overcome forensic DNA testing bottlenecks and improve recovery from complex samples", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 22-Feb-2018.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic match information: exact calculation and applications", International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Minneapolis, MN, 7-Sep-2017.
- B. Pujols, "Sitting on the fence: 'Inconclusive' is not a dead end", Mid-Atlantic Cold Case Homicide Investigator's Association Conference, Annapolis, MD, 15-Aug-2017.
- J. Hornyak and M. W. Perlin, "To include or not to include: the extent is the question", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- D. Bauer and M. W. Perlin, "Validating TrueAllele® genotyping on ten contributor DNA mixtures", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- W. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "Machines can work it out: automated TrueAllele® workflow", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 26-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Transforming DNA evidence into reliable information: computers, science and society", Pathology Informatics Summit, Pittsburgh, PA, 24-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "The triumph and tragedy of DNA evidence", Friendship Village, Upper St. Clair, PA, 8-May-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Error in the likelihood ratio: false match probability", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 17-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, W.P. Allan and C. Hughes, "On the threshold of injustice: manipulating DNA evidence", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 17-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, F. Watson and G. Hampikian, "When DNA alone is not enough: exoneration by computer interpretation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 16-Feb-2017.
- M. W. Perlin, "Transparency in DNA evidence", President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Washington, DC, 18-Nov-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Justice denied: Mr. Hopkins invisible semen", American Investigative Society of Cold Cases Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, 28-Jun-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic stasis in a world of flux", Quattrone Center Spring Symposium on Technology in Criminal Justice Reform, Penn Law School, Philadelphia, PA, 13-May-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA investigation: Across the universe", Spring Training Conference, Pennsylvania Homicide Investigators Association, State College, PA, 12-Apr-2016.
- M. W. Perlin, "Overcoming bias in DNA mixture interpretation", Presented by Dr. Ria David at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 26-Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin and G. Sugimoto, "Separating DNA mixtures by computer to identify and convict a serial rapist", Presented by Dr. David Bauer at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 25-Feb-2016.
- M. W. Perlin. "Objective DNA mixture information in the courtroom: Relevance, reliability and acceptance", International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management: Detection, Measurement and Mitigation, Arlington, VA, 22-July-2015.
- M. Bowkley, M. Legler and M. W. Perlin, "Rapid DNA response: On the wings of TrueAllele", Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MD, 20-May-2015.
- R. David, M. Bowkley and M. W. Perlin, "Separating familial mixtures, one genotype at a time", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 40th Annual Meeting, Hershey, PA, 4-Nov-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving cold cases by TrueAllele® analysis of DNA evidence", Finding Closure: The Science, Law and Politics of Cold Case Investigations, Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law 14th Annual Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, 31-Oct-2014.
- J. Hornyak, W. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "Using TrueAllele® Casework to separate DNA mixtures of relatives", DNA Workshop, 124th California Association of Criminalists, San Francisco, CA, 20-Oct-2014.
- M. Bowkley and M. W. Perlin. "Compute first, ask questions later: an efficient TrueAllele® workflow", Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists 43rd Annual Fall Meeting, St. Paul, MN, 9-Oct-2014.
- J. Hornyak, W.P. Allan and M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® Casework validation on PowerPlex® 21 mixture data", Twenty Second International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia, 2-Sep-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "TrueAllele® interpretation of DNA mixture evidence", Keynote talk, 9th International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Leiden University, The Netherlands, 20-Aug-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Solving crimes using MCMC to analyze previously unusable DNA evidence", American Statistical Association, Joint Statistical Meetings, Boston, MA, 3-Aug-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Preventing rape in the military through effective DNA computing", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Seminar Theatre, Olympia, London, 30-Apr-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Cracking the DNA mixture code — computer analysis of UK crime cases", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Innovation Conference, Olympia, London, 29-Apr-2014.
- M. W. Perlin and M.M. Legler, "Coding a safer society through computer interpretation of DNA evidence", MATLAB Virtual Conference, Europe and North America, 26-Mar-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Getting past first Bayes with DNA mixtures", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 21-Feb-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Death needs answers: the DNA evidence", The Cold-Blooded Murder of Dr. John Yelenic by Andrea Niapas, Christine Frechard Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, 15-May-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Unleashing forensic DNA through computer intelligence", Forensic Europe Expo, Forensic Innovation Conference, London, United Kingdom, 24-Apr-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Finding truth in DNA mixture evidence", Innocence Network Conference, Advanced DNA, Charlotte, NC, 20-Apr-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, K. Dormer, J. Hornyak, L. Schiermeier-Wood, and S. Greenspoon, "Virginia TrueAllele® validation study: Casework comparison", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 22-Feb-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, K. Dormer, J. Hornyak, T. Meyers, and W. Lorenz, "How inclusion interpretation of DNA mixture evidence reduces identification information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 22-Feb-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mapping the crime scene: do computers dream of electric peaks?", Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification, Nashville, TN, 17-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "When good DNA goes bad", International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Chicago, IL, 15-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Forensic thinking, fast and slow", International Conference on Forensic Research & Technology, Chicago, IL, 15-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "The Massereene touch DNA evidence", Twenty First International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Hobart, Tasmania, 26-Sep-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 24-Feb-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 23-Feb-2012.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Creating informative DNA libraries using computer reinterpretation of existing data", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 2011 Annual Meeting, Newport, RI, 2-Nov-2011.
- M. D. Coble and J. M. Butler, "Exploring the capabilities of mixture interpretation using TrueAllele software", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 3-Sep-2011.
- J. Ballantyne and M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture deconvolution by binomial sampling of individual cells", International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Seattle, WA, 20-Jul-2011.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Commission on Forensic Science Meeting, New York, NY, 27-Jun-2011.
- B. W. Duceman, "Using expert systems (TrueAllele®) for Forensic STR DNA analysis", National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, 20-Jun-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Computer interpretation of uncertain DNA evidence", National Institute of Justice, Arlington, VA, 20-Jun-2011.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 20-May-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Taming uncertainty in forensic DNA evidence", European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) DNA Working Group meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 8-April-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Sherlock Holmes and the DNA likelihood ratio", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 63rd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 25-Feb-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "The science of quantitative DNA mixture interpretation", Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), Fredericksburg, VA, 11-Jan-2011
- M. W. Perlin, "Reliable interpretation of stochastic DNA evidence", Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences 57th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, 2-Dec-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Overcoming DNA stochastic effects", Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists 2010 Annual Meeting, Manchester, VT, 10-Nov-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Explaining the likelihood ratio in DNA mixture interpretation", Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 14-Oct-2010.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "More informative DNA identification: Computer reinterpretation of existing data", Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists, Kansas City, MO, 8-Oct-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and K. E. Williams, "Preserving DNA information", National Association of Medical Examiners 2010 Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2-Oct-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and B. W. Duceman, "Profiles in productivity: Greater yield at lower cost with computer DNA interpretation", Twentieth International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 9-Sep-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and M. Greenhalgh, "Scientific combination of DNA evidence: A handgun mixture in eight parts", Twentieth International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences of the Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Sydney, Australia, 8-Sep-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA identification science: The search for truth", Duquesne University 2010 Summer Research Symposium Keynote Address, Pittsburgh, PA, 30-Jul-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, "Statistical computation for forensic DNA evidence", University of Pittsburgh Department of Human Genetics, Pittsburgh, PA, 9-Jul-2010.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 19-May-2010.
- New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, DNA Subcommittee Meeting, New York, NY, 5-Mar-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and R. W. Cotton, "Three match statistics, one verdict", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 62nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2010.
- M. W. Perlin and B. W. Duceman, "Casework validation of genetic calculator mixture interpretation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 62nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 25-Feb-2010.
- M. W. Perlin, J. B. Kadane and R. W. Cotton, "A match likelihood ratio for DNA comparison", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 21-Feb-2009.
- M. W. Perlin, A. Sinelnikov, E. Vey, M. Legler and M. Clarke, "Identifying victim remains from uncertain data", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 61st Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 21-Feb-2009.
- M. W. Perlin, J. B. Kadane and R. W. Cotton, "Forensic DNA inference", Seventh International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 21-Aug-2008.
- M. W. Perlin, "Exploring forensic scenarios with TrueAllele® mixture automation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 59th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 22-Feb-2007.
- M. W. Perlin, "Scientific validation of mixture interpretation methods", Promega's Seventeenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Nashville, TN, 10-Oct-2006.
- M. W. Perlin, "Real-time DNA investigation", Promega's Sixteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Dallas, TX, 27-Sep-2005.
- M. W. Perlin, "Simple reporting of complex DNA evidence: Automated computer interpretation", Promega's Fourteenth International Symposium on Human Identification. Phoenix, AZ, 1-Oct-2003.
- M. W. Perlin, "Expert systems for automated STR analysis", Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), Quantico, VA, 14-Jan-2003.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic STR data", DNA Forensics Conference, Cambridge Healthtech Institute. Washington, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic DNA data", Third Annual DNA Grantees' Workshop, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Washington, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated interpretation of forensic DNA data", Attorney General's Initiative on DNA Laboratory Backlogs (AGID-LAB), U.S. Department of Justice, Washingon, DC, 2002.
- M. W. Perlin, D. Coffman, C. A. Crouse, F. Konotop and J. D. Ban, "Automated STR data analysis: Validation studies", Promega's Twelfth International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 11-Oct-2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automating STR analysis", Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). Quantico, VA, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automated STR analysis for DNA databases", Second Annual DNA Grantees' Workshop, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Washington, DC, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Automating STR analysis", Sixth CODIS User's Conference, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington, DC, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "Fully automated computer analysis of forensic STR data", STR Analysis Workshop, 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), Seattle, WA, 2001.
- M. W. Perlin, "An expert system for scoring DNA database profiles", Promega's Eleventh International Symposium on Human Identification. Biloxi, MS, 13-Oct-2000.
- M. W. Perlin, "Computer automation of STR scoring for forensic databases", First International Conference on Forensic Human Identification in The Millennium, London, UK, The Forensic Science Service, 26-Oct-1999.
- W. Allan, J. Bracamontes, K. Danser, M. Legler, M. W. Perlin, "All mixed up: Responding to flawed opposition case reports on complex DNA evidence", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 21-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, J. Bracamontes, M. Van Buren, "TrueAllele® Casework validation of the Verogen ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit Primer Set B and the MiSeq FGX", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, T. Nafziger, "Getting more from less: Information yield increases from STR data when using TrueAllele® Technology", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- M. Legler, Z. Shawhan, J. Naylor, P. Berry, "Solving major crime from minor contributors: A case report using TrueAllele® Casework", Promega's Thirty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Denver, CO, 20-Sep-2023.
- J. Bracamontes, E. Estus, M. W. Perlin, "Using exact LR distributions for probabilistic genotyping software validation", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Orlando, FL, 15-Feb-2023.
- M. W. Perlin, "DNA mixture evidence and the need for accurate match statistics", Promega's Twenty Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification, Minneapolis, MN, 28-Sep-2016.
- G. Hampikian, M. W. Perlin, and F. L. Watson, "When DNA is not enough – exoneration through science", Promega's Twenty Seventh International Symposium on Human Identification, Minneapolis, MN, 27-Sep-2016.
- S. A. Greenspoon, L. Schiermeier-Wood, and B. C. Jenkins, "Further Exploration of TrueAllele® Casework", Promega's Twenty Sixth International Symposium on Human Identification, Grapevine, TX, 13-Oct-2015.
- K. Woolard, M. W. Perlin, and K. Miller, "'Inconclusive' three-person mixture yields guilty plea: TrueAllele genotype revival", Promega's Twenty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, Phoenix, AZ, 1-Oct-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, W. P. Allan, "TrueAllele speed for Grand Jury need: Same day reporting of complex mixture", Promega's Twenty Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification, Phoenix, AZ, 30-Sep-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, J. Hornyak, R. Dickover, G. Sugimoto, and K. Miller, "Assessing TrueAllele® genotype identification on DNA mixtures containing up to five unknown contributors", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 20-Feb-2014.
- J. A. Caponera, "Evaluating the specificity of genotypic inference with TrueAllele Casework software", American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 20-Feb-2014.
- M. W. Perlin, "Getting past first Bayes with DNA mixtures", Promega's Twenty Fourth International Symposium on Human Identification, Atlanta, GA, 10-Oct-2013.
- M. W. Perlin, "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Kevin James Foley", Promega's Twenty Third International Symposium on Human Identification, Nashville, TN, 17-Oct-2012.
- M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- K. E. Williams and M. W. Perlin, "An on-demand DNA information community", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- M. C. Kline, C. R. Hill, E. L. R. Butts, D. L. Duewer, M. D. Coble, and J. M. Butler, "Examination of DNA mixture proportion variability using multiple STR typing kits and NIST standard reference material® 2391c component D", Promega's Twenty Second International Symposium on Human Identification, National Harbor, MD, 4-Oct-2011.
- M.C. Kline, E.L.R. Butts, C.R. Hill, M.D. Coble, D.L. Duewer, and J.M. Butler, "The new standard reference material® 2391c: PCR-based DNA profiling standard", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Combining DNA evidence for greater match information", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- R. David and M. W. Perlin, "Investigative DNA databases that preserve identification information", International Society for Forensic Genetics, Vienna, Austria, 1-Sep-2011.
- M. W. Perlin, "Inclusion probability is a likelihood ratio: Implications for DNA mixtures", Promega's Twenty First International Symposium on Human Identification, San Antonio, TX, 14-Oct-2010.