TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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TrueAllele® Work and Workflow: Kern County's First Cases

  • 23-Apr-2014, 1pm EDT

    The Kern Regional Crime Laboratory (KCRL) in Bakersfield, California has been on-line with Cybergenetics TrueAllele Casework since October of 2013. In this user group webinar, the KRCL describes their TrueAllele validation study, and presents three interesting cases where they used TrueAllele technology to resolve complex DNA mixtures. Director Dr. Kevin Miller and his forensic analysts also discuss how their TrueAllele Database automates DNA matching to streamline their laboratory's case interpretation workflow.

    Moderators: Matthew Legler, Jennifer Hornyak
    Speakers: Dr. Kevin W. P. Miller, Kelly Woolard, Garett Sugimoto, Jerry Garza

PPTXPowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint handout