TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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November 2016 Newsletter


November 2016

Move Forward. Get the DNA truth.

In this season of cooler weather and holiday gatherings, Cybergenetics highlights how TrueAllele® assists your work process to get you home for dinner.

TrueAllele analysis helps you move forward in your case.  Advocate for DNA justice. Use information for plea agreements. Preclude questionable DNA.Find connections to criminals. TrueAllele resolves DNA mixtures for anyone in criminal justice or court.

Upcoming Event: "DNA with Ethics"
Dr. Perlin speaks on ethical issues of DNA in the courtroom

On December 2, Dr. Mark Perlin will speak at Duquesne University's Ethics and Eats seminar in Pittsburgh, PA. He and Michael Machen, criminal defense attorney, will outline the steps to present or challenge DNA evidence in the courtroom. The event is approved for 2 ethics CLE credit hours, and is available to professionals and the general public. More information.

A Call for Transparency
Dr. Mark Perlin goes to Washington, speaks to PCAST

On Friday, November 18, Cybergenetics Dr. Mark Perlin spoke with the  President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). He covered issues of DNA interpretation, current policy problems, and recommended findings for better justice. The ten minute talk, "Transparency in DNA evidence," is available as a written speech.  Read the speech.

Dr. Perlin disagreed with PCAST's proposed project, rejecting it as unnecessary and wasteful on scientific grounds.  Read more.

TrueAllele Shows Where Defendant Was, Was Not
Distinguishing DNA makes a difference

On November 8 in Arlington, VA, a jury convicted David Black of first-degree murder in the killing of his estranged wife in her bedroom. Cybergenetics Dr. Mark Perlin testified at the trial. He explained TrueAllele analysis showed the defendant left his DNA in the bedroom, but not the bathroom. TrueAllele also distinguished parent and child DNA.  Read more.

Dr. Perlin Testifies for Defense
Pennsylvania judge bars non-probative DNA 

In Butler County, questionable DNA evidence was presented against a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman. Cybergenetics Dr. Mark Perlin testified at the trial.Hon. McCune excluded DNA evidence from his court because it "would be misleading and confusing to the jury. A jury will likely hear DNA and assume it links the Defendant to the alleged crime even though it does not." Charges were reduced to a misdemeanor. Watch the video.

Louisiana Drug Dealer Pleads Guilty to Homicide
TrueAllele results help DA move forward

On January 25 in Kenner, LA, a drug deal-turned-armed-robbery resulted in one dead. Dayan Sanchez (21) shot and killed Hykeem Martin (19). Sanchez apparently fired in self-defense. However, he was charged with manslaughter, marijuana distribution, illegally carrying a firearm, illegal firearm discharge, and firearm possession by a convicted felon.

On October 13, Sanchez pled guilty as charged. The guilty plea was based in part on pro bono assistance from Cybergenetics. Their TrueAllele computer connected a nearby phone to Sanchez with a match statistic of a quadrillion. Jefferson Parish Assistant District Attorney Douglas Rushton told Cybergenetics, "Thank you for getting the initial analysis done in this case in such a timely manner. Many thanks and I look forward to working more with you in the future." Read more.

TrueAllele Makes Match, Police Make Arrest
Cybergenetics' report saves time and expense

Police arrested a "very active" suspect in California, thanks in part to TrueAllele speed. Beginning in summer 2015, a series of restaurants were robbed by a man using a semi-automatic handgun. Cybergenetics was given DNA data from a cast-off straw and a cell phone. TrueAllele found the items were linked with a match statistic of around ten quintillion.
Case agents then sent an urgent email requesting a comparison between the items and a suspect. Detectives needed a same-day report. Otherwise, 5 days of surveillance at up to $20,000 per day would be required.Cybergenetics delivered the report on time. The comparison supported a match, and the suspect was arrested. 

Get Going with TrueAllele Interpretation

Whether on the streets or in the courtroom, you don't want to do extra work. Knowing the truth provides information to move forward. TrueAllele offers reliable, impartial answers. It analyzes all the DNA evidence to produce accurate results. It helps you to proceed. 

Ask about free TrueAllele evidence screening and scientific consulting.

Becca Byers
Communication Specialist

Twitter: @cybgen
LinkedIn: Cybergenetics