TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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December 2016 Newsletter


December 2016

In Appreciation...

At the end of an action-packed year, we'd like to say thank you to all those who have worked with tireless dedication to ensure a just society, and to protect the rights and safety of all people.

Achieving justice through better DNA information

Prosecutors served justice by bringing DNA evidence into court that would not have been used without Cybergenetics interpretation services. They relied on TrueAllele® Casework technology to provide objective and accurate DNA information for homicides, sexual assaults, and other cases.
After the Wolfe sisters were brutally murdered, prosecutors helped bring justice for the victims' family. They used TrueAllele DNA interpretation to show the connection between DNA evidence items and defendant Alan Wade. Among other evidence, Mr. Wade's DNA was present under Susan Wolfe's fingernails. Mr. Wade was convicted May 19, 2016.   Read more.

Crime Labs
Interpreting more complex DNA evidence faster than before

Using their TrueAllele Casework systems, crime labs have provided DNA identification information to police, prosecutors and defenders. Society is safer when crime labs can deliver accurate DNA identification from even the most complex DNA evidence.

"TrueAllele has become an indispensable component of our laboratory process. We have used it for mixtures of up to five contributors and been very satisfied by its ability to resolve contributor genotypes, and just as importantly, it has been an excellent tool for eliminating individuals from mixtures. We also use it to assist in resolution of candidate matches from mixtures we have entered into CODIS. I cannot imagine ever going back to threshold-based human interpretation."
--John Donahue, DNA Technical Leader (Beaufort County Sheriff's Office, SC)

Preserving the constitutional rights of the accused

Defenders turned to Cybergenetics for free TrueAllele screening to learn more about the DNA evidence in their defendants' cases. In a New York case, the DNA evidence was not connected to the defendant Oral 'Nick' Hillary, and he was acquitted.   Read more. 

Innocence Groups
Advocating on behalf of the wrongfully convicted

Innocence groups found support through TrueAllele's ability to interpret DNA mixtures in post-conviction cases. The Indiana Innocence Project and Cybergenetics worked to help exonerate Darryl Pinkins, who was cleared of all charges in April 2016.   Read more.

"After twenty-four years in prison for a rape he did not commit, Darryl Pinkins will cherish time with family over the holiday season. He counts among his blessings the pro bono work of TrueAllele technology in deciphering the forensic mixtures from a 1989 sexual assault crime committed by five men. While co-defendant Roosevelt Glenn has been out of prison the past few years, he also gives thanks for the scientific efforts which will finally clear his name."

--Frances Watson, Professor at Indiana University (Wrongful Conviction Clinic Director at McKinney Law School)

Solving crimes through better science

Police dedicated to solving their cases turned to Cybergenetics for free screening when no one else could give them information about their DNA evidence.
One such case involved the shooting and robbery of a Pennsylvania cab driver. The taxicab DNA swabs contained mixtures of three or four people. Cybergenetics TrueAllele computers separated this mixture data, and found statistical links to defendant Dante Washington. Dr. Perlin assisted the jury in understanding the evidence. Mr. Washington was later found guilty on all counts.  Read more.

DNA Education
An informed society makes better use of DNA

Education is central to understanding accurate and objective DNA interpretation. Many forensic, legal, and academic groups invited Cybergenetics staff to share our knowledge about the TrueAllele technology and how it has helped to keep society safer.

Visit Cybergenetics website to see the wealth of resources about objective computer DNA interpretation. TrueAllele helps ensure correct DNA identifications that find the guilty and free the innocent. More information.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a peaceful New Year.

Becca Byers
Communication Specialist

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