TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Pennsylvania Precedent for Cybergenetics TrueAllele® Computer Interpretation of DNA Evidence

Superior Court Affirms Foley Case in Published Opinion

PITTSBURGH, PA, March 01, 2012

The Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed the Foley decision in a published opinion, establishing a statewide precedent for the computer interpretation of DNA evidence using Cybergenetics TrueAllele® Casework technology. Former state trooper Kevin Foley had contested his first degree homicide conviction in the slaying of Blairsville dentist Dr. John Yelenic, where a small amount of DNA under the victim's fingernails was crucial evidence.

"I am pleased that TrueAllele can now help protect everyone in Pennsylvania from crime," says Dr. Mark Perlin, Cybergenetics Chief Scientific and Executive Officer. DNA evidence that human review finds "inconclusive" can often be solved using TrueAllele computer interpretation.

Much DNA evidence is mixed, degraded or low level, making it difficult or impossible for forensic analysts to interpret the data. TrueAllele applies the thoroughness and objectivity of modern computing to preserve far more DNA identification information.

TrueAllele DNA match results are presented in state, federal, military and foreign courts. The reliable technology gives unbiased answers, and is used by both the prosecution and defense in criminal cases.

Cybergenetics is the leading developer of computer systems that objectively interpret DNA evidence. Cybergenetics TrueAllele products infer genotypes and match them, extracting considerably more identification information from challenging data than other methods. The Pittsburgh-based company was founded in 1994, and is privately held. United States patents include 5,541,067, 5,580,728, 5,876,933, 6,054,268, 6,750,011 and 6,807,490.