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TrueAllele® DNA Mixture Interpretation Validation Study Published

Journal of Forensic Sciences Article Establishes Reliability of Cybergenetics Technology

PITTSBURGH, PA, November 28, 2011

A peer-reviewed scientific paper entitled "Validating TrueAllele® DNA mixture interpretation" was published this month in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (JFS). This JFS validation study established the reliability of Cybergenetics objective TrueAllele Casework technology for the computer analysis of DNA evidence.

The study measured the efficacy and reproducibility of TrueAllele computer interpretation of DNA evidence. Each evidence item was a mixture of two individuals, a common forensic situation that can reduce DNA identification information. The computer preserved a million times more information than a conventional human review of the same data. Moreover, the computer's results were highly reproducible.

"Computers can objectively resolve DNA mixtures without having any knowledge of a suspect's profile," says Dr. Mark Perlin, Cybergenetics Chief Scientist and a coauthor of the JFS paper. "This unbiased data review performs a thorough examination that considers all genetic possibilities, and accurately preserves the DNA identification information present in the evidence."

The study was conducted in accordance with the FBI's 2010 SWGDAM guidelines for validating probabilistic genotype DNA analysis methods. This JFS paper extends an earlier TrueAllele mixture validation study that was published in PLoS ONE. These scientific papers, and other information about the TrueAllele technology, can be found on Cybergenetics website. Cybergenetics has provided TrueAllele reports on DNA evidence in over 75 criminal cases.

Cybergenetics is the leading developer of computer systems that objectively interpret DNA evidence. Cybergenetics TrueAllele® products infer genotypes and match them, extracting considerably more identification information from challenging data than other methods. The Pittsburgh-based company was founded in 1994, and is privately held. United States patents include 5,541,067, 5,580,728, 5,876,933, 6,054,268, 6,750,011 and 6,807,490.