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Firm to help police analyze DNA found in East Liberty double murder

Pittsburgh, PA

Cybergenetics will help police and prosecutors analyze the forensic evidence that led to the arrest of the neighbor of two sisters murdered in Pittsburgh. An affidavit confirmed that investigators found a mixture of male and female DNA from under the fingernail of Susan Wolfe. The affidavit says that conventional DNA analysis "could not exclude Wade from that mixture," and police and prosecutors are looking for more definitive analysis.

“Cybergenetics has been retained by the District Attorney’s office to analyze the DNA evidence in this case,” said Mark Perlin. Using state of the art computer technology, Cybergenetics gives definitive analysis where conventional DNA falls short – especially in a case where there is a mixture of DNA, which usually is never entered into evidence.

  • Firm to help police analyze DNA found in East Liberty double murder - Television
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