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Wade ordered to stand trial on homicide charges in deaths of East Liberty sisters

Pittsburgh, PA

Broken furniture. Blood-spattered walls. A battered victim with someone else's blood under her fingernail. A pair of discarded sweatpants. A trail of videos depicting a shadowy figure.

Prosecutors said on Friday that the evidence police found in the home of two murdered sisters in East Liberty and beyond points to Allen Wade, their next-door neighbor. He's accused of shooting to death Susan and Sarah Wolfe and stealing their bank cards.

Speaking at a hearing in Pittsburgh Municipal Court, Deputy District Attorney Simquita Bridges said a lab analysis by Cybergenetics indicates DNA in blood under Susan Wolfe's fingernail is 6.06 trillion times more likely to match Wade's than an unrelated black person. DNA from blood on sweatpants that Pittsburgh police suspect the killer discarded is 22.4 quintillion times more likely to match Wade's than an unrelated black person, the report stated.

  • Wade ordered to stand trial on homicide charges in deaths of East Liberty sisters - Newspaper
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