TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v Montre Sayles

TrueAllele identifies attacker through DNA from woman’s skin

Crime In 2018, a woman fled an attacker. Both were naked and running down a Pittsburgh street.
Evidence The victim’s body was swabbed for DNA.
DNA The Allegheny County crime lab developed data from thigh and hip DNA.
Match The lab’s manual analysis gave no results “due to the complexity of the data.”
TrueAllele On the same data, the computer connected Montre Sayles to the victim with match statistics in the millions and billions.
Cybergenetics    On September 12, 2018, TrueAllele analyst Beatriz Pujols testified at the Pittsburgh trial about the computer’s results.
Outcome On September 14, 2018, Mr. Sayles was found guilty of physical assault, and not guilty of rape.