TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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TrueAllele & DNA Mixtures.

Kern Regional Crime Laboratory. TrueAllele & DNA Mixtures. The Lab Report, 1(2):1-2, April 2013. Bakersfield, CA.


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Abstract: On February 15, 2013, in a case prosecuted by Supervising Deputy District Attorney Cynthia Zimmer and Deputy District Attorney Joseph Kinzel, a Kern County jury convicted Charles Lawton and Dupree Langston of multiple counts of robbery with firearm and gang enhancements. The charges included the October 30, 2011 robbery of the Max Muscle Store in Bakersfield, in which the victim of that robbery defended himself by using a firearm.

The Kern Regional Crime Laboratory employed the use of groundbreaking advancements in DNA interpretation technology to assist in solving these robberies; most notably in the use of the TrueAllele Casework System. TrueAllele is a computerized DNA interpretation system that objectively infers DNA profiles from evidence samples, including those that contain complex mixtures. The system is especially helpful to forensic scientists, because it is able to consider every possible DNA profile within an evidentiary item, and then produce probabilistic match strengths for a number of unknown contributors.

"TrueAllele is a computerized DNA interpretation system that objectively infers DNA profiles from evidence samples, including those that contain complex mixtures."