TrueAllele solves 1963 Winnebago cold case using “inconclusive” DNA

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DNA: TrueAllele statistical analysis, probabilistic genotyping

M.W. Perlin, "DNA: TrueAllele statistical analysis, probabilistic genotyping", Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council Winter Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 6-Dec-2016.

Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council
IPAC Winter Conference
Indianapolis, IN
Tuesday, December 6, 2016 from 3:00 - 4:15 pm
Conference Brochure

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Mixtures: Problem & Solution
Science: Indiana v Forest
Justice: Pinkins v Indiana
Politics: PCAST Report


PowerPoint presentations with live audio recordings of Dr. Perlin's talks.

Mixtures: Problem & Solution

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Science: Indiana v Forest

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Justice: Pinkins v Indiana

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Politics: PCAST Report

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In forensic identification, DNA mixtures need reliable match statistics. Some crime labs decline to interpret mixed DNA evidence. Other groups use statistical computing to effectively analyze their data. These "probabilistic genotyping" methods permit multiple genotype answers, assigning a probability to each possibility.

This CLE talk begins by describing DNA mixture problems and solutions. Genotyping science is explained in Indiana v Forest, where a TrueAllele® Daubert hearing preceded the trial and conviction. DNA justice is illustrated in the Pinkins v Indiana TrueAllele exoneration. The PCAST report shows the national politics of DNA evidence.