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University of Chicago Chancellor Robert Zimmer, 1947-2023

Dr. Robert Zimmer died on May 23rd at the age of 75. As a mathematician, Zimmer did pathbreaking work in ergodic theory, the study of how movement in time can reveal properties of functions in space. President of the University of Chicago for fifteen years, his leadership improved the lives of tens of thousands.

When I was in medical school at UChicago, he was the young instructor who taught my math analysis elective class. Crashing into walls with a flourish to punctuate his proofs, Zimmer showed us the beauty of taming infinities, and inspired me to earn a PhD in Mathematics. I would later bring ergodic theory into forensic DNA science, using MCMC methods that sample in computer time the probability spaces of genotype distributions.

As UChicago President, Zimmer launched many new programs and initiatives, including the School of Molecular Engineering. He was a tireless advocate of free speech in academics. Over eighty colleges and universities have adopted his “Chicago Principles” that declare a commitment to the free exchange of ideas.

We learn who people are by what they do. Zimmer’s energetic path traversed so many dimensions, ergodically revealing a great man of great accomplishments. He will be sorely missed, and long remembered.

Mark W. Perlin, PhD, MD, PhD
Cybergenetics Chief Scientist
The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Entering Class of 1977


  • Robert J. Zimmer, chancellor emeritus and 13th president of the University of Chicago, 1947-2023 - UChicago News
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