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New JFS paper validates TrueAllele® on up to five unknown contributors

Pittsburgh, PA

A new open-access TrueAllele article is now available at the Journal of Forensic Sciences website. "TrueAllele Genotype Identification on DNA Mixtures Containing up to Five Unknown Contributors" was jointly written by Cybergenetics and the Kern Regional Crime Laboratory in Bakersfield, California. This is the sixth peer-reviewed validation paper that demonstrates TrueAllele reliability for DNA mixture interpretation.

The authors tested both high- and low-template DNA mixtures of known randomized composition containing 2, 3, 4 and 5 contributors. They established TrueAllele's sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility using likelihood ratios. They found the system's behavior to be relatively invariant to DNA amount or contributor number. Contributor number was not important, once a sufficient number was considered.

  • TrueAllele Genotype Identification on DNA Mixtures Containing up to Five Unknown Contributors - Journal Article

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