Pennsylvania prosecutors use TrueAllele in homicide guilty plea

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Cybergenetics presents continuing education course for lawyers on TrueAllele and Foley DNA evidence at Duquesne University

Albany, NY

The Cyril H. Wecht Institute sponsored a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course at Duquesne University on the DNA evidence used in the homicide trial of state trooper Kevin Foley for the slaying of dentist John Yelenic. Pennsylvania Senior Deputy Attorney General Anthony Krastek described how the crime was committed, and explained how he prosecuted the case using the victim's fingernail DNA. Cybergenetics Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Mark Perlin taught the principles of computer DNA interpretation, and showed how the TrueAllele® computer DNA results were introduced into evidence. Allegheny County Assistant Public Defender Michelle Collins moderated the concluding panel discussion. Approximately one hundred lawyers and forensic professionals attended the CLE.

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